Monday, February 27, 2017

How to clean the placenta from drug use

Image result for maternal drug use in fetus

I have done lots of research on this subject and I have only found answers to the deepest darkest corners of the internet. This can take hours, if not days or weeks or more, to find what you are looking for. Here is a detailed description of how to flush your unborn baby's placenta and umbillical cord from drugs.

This method works for all forms of drug usage.

First you need to figure out if your drug of choice will be metabolized quickly, or slower. Here is a link where you can identify your drug: For example, if you used marijuana, it will be metabolized quickly. If you used methamphetamine, it will be metabolized slowly.

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Cocaine: 72 hours
Xanax: 14 days
Methamphetamine: 7 days
Heroine: about 48 hours

For the fast metabolized drugs, it should be out of the baby's system within 3 days. For slow metabolized drugs, it will take up to a week. Now, this is drugs getting out of the BABY's system. What we're here to talk about is removing traces of the drug(s) from the placenta and umbillical cord.

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First, you need to flush the drugs from YOUR system. You can search all different types of drugs on this website. Here is a link on how to do it for meth:

  1. Hydration along with acidifying the urine - this can be done with high doses of Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) up to 10 grams a day in divided doses
  1. Baking Soda and water. Once at t-minus 20 hours, and once again 2 hours before my screening.
  1. I *RAN* for an hour and 10 minutes WITHOUT REST. Roughly 7 miles in the humid 95 degree Gulf weather. I hadn’t done cardio in over a year. My heart rate cleared 155 BPM for the majority of the run. It was painful, disorienting, and extremely difficult. I have asthma, so No excuses!!! 
  1. ** I repeated a baby version of this run at 12hours togo, and nearly died.**
  1. 1500mg of aspirin over the course of the 29 hours. This will fuck you up. Be careful with this one. (I’ve got a badass liver that has survived a few suicide by OD attempts with ease.)
  1. Roughly a half gallon of liquid every hour. 75% water, 15% Cranberry juice, 5% Whole Milk, 2.5% Pepsi, 2.5% coffee.
  1. A Shot of vinegar nearly every hour, and with every ingestion of a pill.
  1. Healthyish foods only. Mainly ones focused on acidifying my digestive system, particularly anything passed my stomach. Peanut butter and Grape Jelly sandwiches, Ice cream, Apples (for the metabolic enhancement), Oranges, Raisin Bran, and various real-fruit Yogurts.
  1. Lysine, Probiotics, Creatine, Azos cranberry pills (for urinary tract infections), and Mucinex (for any residual in lungs).
  1. SLEEP! The blood in your brain is filtered more thoroughly during sleep. Sleep will also affect the urinary and digestive systems, challenging them to achieve homeostasis.
"Seems like a lot of work, but none of it was very difficult (save the cardio), and I purchased all of it for under 40$ at walmart.
I am 24 years old, male, and weigh only 160 pounds (I’ve been sharply underweight my entire life.) My metabolism has always been exceedingly higher than most peoples’. I know this is by far the most important factor, and although I think I can pass with 20ish hours (having honed my method), I do advise anyone with any sort of fat on them to do more cardio with an emphasis on a sweat suit, and to AVOID SALT.
I stayed busy, even in thought. I thought positive thoughts. I took it easy on the cigarettes. I stretched often and practiced several breathing techniques. I took two showers. Alternating between the hottest water I could stand, and the coldest water my service provided. Scrubbed every inch of my body. Cleared phlegm often, and kept my mouth clean."
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 Now that your system is clean, it's time to remove the traces from the baby. The tests done for drug testing a newborn are one, a few, or all of the following:

-a urine test
-a stool test (meconium)
-amntiotic fluid testing
-placenta testing
-umbillical cord testing

Within 14 days after your last drug usage, your baby will pass the urine test. There is a way to avoid amniotic fluid testing and a stool test (meconium): your baby will just have to poop in the amniotic fluid, contaminating it. Now this does not come without risks to your child. So you have to think long and hard about this, before making this decision. Are you willing to risk it? Look up Meconium Aspiration Syndrome before even attempting this.

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Now according to various sources, meconium in utero is caused by: preeclamsia, hypertension (high blood pressure), low level of amniotic fluid, aged placenta (often happens when you are past your due date), maternal infections, maternal drug use (you can check that one off the list), uterine growth restriction (I imagine it helps if you are petite), decreased oxygen to the fetus while in utero, diabetes in the pregnant mother, and difficult delivery and long labor (most likely to happen with your first child). Sources:

So how much of these can you "induce"? Here is a list:

-High blood pressure. Induce this with exercise and drinking castor oil. Black and blue cohosh work as well to induce high blood pressure.
-Depriving baby of oxygen. You can induce this by burning incense sticks around your home 24/7.
-Aged placenta. Your baby will arrive when it will arrive, but if you can help it, try to avoid inducing labor. If you stay pregnant beyond 40 weeks, it increases the chances that your baby will poop in utero.
-Maternal infections: Hang out around sick people. If you don't know any, go to your local hospital, grocery store, or malls. Run your hands along the walls, stair rails, etc. Touch lots of doorknobs and light switches. Don't wash your hands.
-Maternal Diabetes. You technically can't induce this, but you can increase your chances. Eat a lot of fruits since they contain natural sugars. Eating junk food is what is often done when people recovering from drugs have "the munchies" and will attract unwanted attention. Stick to fruits. Pineapples and dates work the best.

Now, to pass those other dreaded tests. How to clean the placenta from traces of drugs.

-Take evening primrose oil. This comes in capsule form and strengthens the uterine wall, helping to flush out into the amniotic fluid.
-Take black cohosh. This is a bonus because it also causes high blood pressure, which is needed to help the baby pass meconium to avoid being tested, so this is a 2-for-1 deal.
-Use blue cohosh. This also causes high blood pressure and keeps your cervix from effacing early, giving you maximum time to flush the drugs out.
-Drink red raspberry leaf tea. This increases blood flow of the placenta, speeding up the detoxing of the drugs. Side effects: nausea and diahrea.
-Take Pulsatilla 200C as this speeds up the metabolism of the baby, which speeds up the process of removig the drugs from the umbillical cord.
-Take Caullophyllum 200C because this dilutes the drugs in the placenta, umbillical cord and more, making it harder to test.
-Take Cimicifuga 200C to keep the cervix closed and prevent it from dilating so you have maximum time to get rid of the drugs in the system.
-Drink castor oil. This comes in liquid (oil) form and also increases blood pressure. This causes the baby to move a lot, which burns calories and drugs out of his/her system. Drink a tablespoon of it every day. Side effects are stomach cramps and diahrea.

Lastly: if you are in labor right now and don't have time to do all of this, you can always hide symptoms of withdrawl in your baby. Here's how:

-Formula feed the baby. This way the baby will drink more than if you were breastfeeding and this will help flush his system faster.
-Let the nurses change your baby since they won't be taking any samples without your consent. Make sure the father knows not to give his consent.
-Don't let them bathe your baby. The vernix (white stuff on his skin) protects the doctors from doing a skin test because of contamination, and it also helps moisturize the baby's skin.
-Feed your baby often. As soon as he/she cries, offer them a bottle.
-The first 24 hours, the baby usually sleeps much of the day since they are tired from the birth. Take this time to let your baby rest, and to rest yourself. The nurses and doctors are trained professionals that will watch and change and feed your baby while you rest.

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Now if you want it to be known that the baby may have drugs in their system, this is what you need to do:

-Tell your doctors and nurses when you last used. They will be able to treat you and the baby right away.
-Call a rehab center and check yourself in. This will show to everyone that you are willing to get better and will even show CPS, if they show up, that you are willing to do whatever it takes. You actually have to do rehab though, don't fake it, because if you slip up again and use, your baby WILL be taken from you.
-Stop talking to your dealer and addict friends. Being around them will only make you want to use again even more.
-Join your local AA or NA group. You need all the support you can get, and the more programs the better.

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Good luck to your family.